
In order to better understand the digital tools used in the different activities, we used images (e.g. screenshots), although these images belong to the owners of these tools.

In this activity, you will transform your drawings into comic strip characters. First, you will draw your story’s characters on a sheet of paper. Then, using different apps available for Android, you will give life to the characters of an amazing story.

What you will learn
Creating digital content in different formats, including multimedia content;
Using technologies to express personal opinions and create knowledge;
Being able to explore technology options to do non-routine tasks;
Learning about emerging digital technologies which can be useful in personal, household and educational tasks;
Preparing new content by using diverse technologies;
Promoting the development of digital content;
Helping to solve problems;
Helping to identify technology needs and responses;
Promoting the development of verbal and written communication techniques;
Developing the ability to manage information;
Promoting independent learning and decision-making;
Encouraging creativity.

General recommendations
Duration (in minutes): 50 – 60 minutes
Recommended age: 10 – 12 years
Level: Intermediate

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