
In order to better understand the digital tools used in the different activities, we used images (e.g. screenshots), although these images belong to the owners of these tools.

A computer program consists of several lines of code that give instructions to the computer, i.e. what to do and when. At its root, an algorithm is a finite sequence of ordered instructions. When we run a program, the computer reads it and follows all the instructions it contains. Algorithms help us and computers solve a wide variety of problems.

What you will learn
Organizing data and knowledge;
Evaluate information, critically and autonomously, transforming it into knowledge;
Ability to solve problems by creating original and creative solutions;
Develop computational thinking skills and information literacy through digital interaction, understanding its functions and its application in everyday life;
Focus on objectives and results;
Promote the use of digital tools for sharing information and knowledge;
Interact through digital tools;
Encourage the development of creative solutions;
Ability to adapt to new situations;
Use, control, evaluate and understand the information provided;
Evaluate and make decisions about the technology and product in question.

General recommendations
Duration (in minutes): 50 – 60 minutes
Recommended age: 10 – 12 years
Level: Intermediate

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