
With the goal of improving the understanding of digital tools used in different activities, we use images (namely, screenshots), that are property of the owners of these tools.

One of the ways the computer learns something is by analysing the information we give to it. Computers extract patterns from this analysis that help them to better understand the issue and make decisions. Decision trees help us, as well as computers, to understand information and make decisions from it. That’s why you’re going to create a decision tree, so you can figure out what the next game you’re going to play is.

 What you will learn
Organizing data and knowledge;
Evaluate information, critically and autonomously, transforming it into knowledge;
Develop digital content;
Ability to solve problems by creating original and creative solutions;
Develop computational thinking skills and information literacy through digital interaction, knowledge of its functions and its application in everyday life;
Focus on objectives and results;
Promote the use of digital tools for sharing information and knowledge;
Interact through digital tools;
Ability to adapt to new situations.

General recommendations
Duration (in minutes): 50 – 60 minutes
Recommended age: 10 – 12 years
Level: Intermediate

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