Game using Scratch


Scratch is a block based visual programming language. In this Theme, we’ll explore Scratch and get to know all the available blocks. We’ll learn what are conditional structures and cycles, and learn how to create variables. Finally, we’ll apply all that knowledge to program the most fun game ever!

This Theme consists of 6 lessons.

Lesson 1 Powered by DigiCraft.

Lesson 1

Material per student:
White sheet.

Material per group:

Material per lesson:
Self-sealing plastic bag (polyethylene), balloon, magnet, sweater, brush, 5 cent coin, 10 cent coin, hairdryer, lemon juice.

Student material:
Coloring material, writing material.

Lesson 2
Material per student:
Lemonade recipe - downloadable document.

Student material:
Writing material.

Lesson 3

Material per student:
Sandwich Recipe - downloadable document.

Material per lesson:
Sliced bread, 100 g butter pack, jam jar, napkin pack, spoon, knife.

Student material:
Writing material.

Lessons 4 to 6
Material per group:
Computer - Scratch software.

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