With the goal of improving the understanding of digital tools used in different activities, we use images (namely, screenshots), that are property of the owners of these tools.
Learning objectives
Learning objectives were defined based on the European Union’s Digital Skills Framework (DigComp. 2.0) and the 21st Century Critical Skills Framework.
Knowledge to Acquire
Pedagogical Indications
We’ll explore algorithms and Scratch. One of several possibilities is to choose a story and animate it in Scratch. In a table, students can write ideas to create this story, as if it were an algorithm sequence. All steps are important. To help write all the steps, you can divide the story into several columns, and define for example: main characters, friendly characters, enemy characters, spaces, time, objects, actions, keywords.
Then, fill in the table with the main ideas, from the beginning to the end of the story. After that, read it out loud and start to assemble it in Scratch. The next step is to share the story with several people.