
The binary system uses 10 digits (0 to 9) to write all numbers. However, this is not the only existing system. For example, we count hours, minutes and seconds using the sexagesimal system (60 digits). In the case of computers, they communicate with the world using a binary system (which uses 2 digits). In this activity, you will learn how to write decimal numbers in the binary system. Get your mental calculation abilities ready!

What you will learn
Apply techniques to stimulate mental calculation;
Introduce the concept of decimal systems and binary systems;
Introduce the concept of bit;
Perform numerical conversion from decimal to binary systems;
Learn basic aspects of IT fundamentals;
Develop computational thinking, its functions and its application in programming;
Evaluate information, critically and autonomously, transforming it into knowledge;
Ability to solve problems by creating original and creative solutions;
Adopt collaborative behaviours of sharing information and knowledge;
Promote the use of digital tools for sharing information and knowledge;
Use, control, evaluate and understand the information provided.

General recommendations
Duration (in minutes): 50 – 60 minutes
Recommended age: 6 – 9 years
Level: Advanced

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