
With the goal of improving the understanding of digital tools used in different activities, we use images (namely, screenshots), that are property of the owners of these tools.

In this activity, we will create a band and play different instruments, using the webcam. We will use Scratch to make the necessary code for each instrument to play the corresponding sound, so that in the end we can make our own melodies!

What you will learn
Correctly use visual programming language ​​to create simple programs;
Know some basic aspects of coding;
Know how to protect your identity when using the apps;
Be able to select and use digital tools that allow daily activities (leisure, learning, etc.);
Know and use digital resources that help develop creativity;
Integrate and rework digital content;
Identify technological requirements and solutions;
• Innovate and use technology creatively;
Promote organizational and planning skills:
Develop oral and written communication;
Promote problem solving, decision making and team work.

General recommendations
Duration (in minutes): 50 – 60 minutes
Recommended age: 10 – 12 years old
Level: Beginner